Welcome to my site. I'm a jazz guitarist, bassist, composer, and author of the Sheets of Sound for Guitar series books

Click on the above link to see my books.

My site is in the elementary stages but I have a number of features which jazz guitarists and students will find interesting including a blog, videos, information about Dodecaphonics and Lesson info.

I hope you enjoy it.

Feel free to contact me or subscribe to my mailing list for more information.



I teach over zoom, skype, google meet, etc.

Hit me up with an email if you're interested in discussing a custom course for you to achieve your improvisation goals.

Some of the subjects which are my specialty

  • Improvisation
  • Jazzing up your blues/rock
  • Bluesifying your jazz
  • Technique
  • Mastering all positions of the guitar
  • Playing over chord changes including complex tunes like Giant Steps, Countdown, Moment's Notice, etc.
  • Odd time signature and complex rhythms

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